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Christ Chat


"Speak Lord, for your servants are listening"




Each week Encounter Youth hosts a special scripture initiative called Christ Chat in our Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Students and staff are invited to come along and read through the Sunday Mass readings as a group and then discuss how they can be applied to their daily lives. It is a great opportunity to not only become more familiar with the weekly readings but to encounter scripture in a way that truly enables you to live out your faith in new and exciting ways. Attending sessions each week is completely voluntary and you are not required to attend every week but students and staff that attend regularly often become more confident engaging with scripture and have the added benefit of appreciating how scripture flows through the various seasons of the Church calendar. No experience reading or studying scripture is required and students and staff are equally encouraged to come and simply sit in and listen until they become more confident joining in the friendly and rich discussion of God’s word. Attendees are provided with a hard copy of the readings along with accompanying reflective readings that they can read in their own time.

Christ Chat Archive

Christ Chat Logo designed by former student Yvonne Mudliar

© 2024 by Matthew Bradbury. Proudly created for Good Samaritan Catholic College

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